[ FASHION POLICE ] Should We Keep Up With Fashion?
There's so many questions sent to my email which ask about fashion. And of all that, there is one big question that directing to the same conclusion comes to your mind, is...
" Should We Keep Up With Fashion? "
" Should We Keep Up With Fashion? "
There are two types of women : women for whom the words slim-fit, flare, 7/8, platforms, derbys, head-bands, treggings, pencil skirts, stilettos, carrot pants, etc. Belong to a foreign language, and women who speak that language fluently. The other are don't care about fashion, or at least think they don't care, because :
- "It's not my thing; I don't have the figure of it."
- "It's expensive."
- "It's superficial."
- "I don't understand it."
The latter have mastered the codes involved-more or less. They use them to create their own personal fashions, or to copy whatever the latest trend imposes, and sometimes with-out giving the matter much thought and in spite of what really suits them.
Between these two attitudes there is a fine balance of fashion style creation, which many women find difficult to strike. In general, French and Germany women are pretty good at locating this balance. They know how to blend new things into their wardrobes to create their own personal style, and they have "The Instinctive Chic" to get themselves notice before people notice their clothes. This is simply because their clothes are them. They love following fashion trends, but nevertheless they have understood that it's not taboo to mix things that are straight off the catwalk with earlier collection that are still contemporary or even timeless. They are more inclined to respect their own personalities than to apply a trend.
(Bad) Excuses :
Given the abundance of style available, despite that fashion designers prefer "shrimps" to girls of more generous dimensions, any woman in the world can find a shoe and a dress that fits her - and that includes women with unproportional body who have serious trouble finding the clothes they want. Sometimes we have to spend a lot of time in order to find good things, and sometimes we have to rely much on accessories.Learn to see yourself with new eyes, and know how to make the best of your good points. Legs and breasts aren't everything. Look at the nape of your neck, at your throat, your waist, your curves, and your bone structure; emphasize them if they're good, rather than dwelling on their imperfection.Ideally, you should accept yourself as a complete person-that's exactly what the people who love you do. Who said broad shoulders ruled wearing a sleeveless dress or that calves on the thick side were incompatible with skirt? In short, be straight with yourself, but open to new possibilities.
Today, the choice of clothes is so vast that any woman can dress exactly as her personality dictates, and be stylish without necessarily following the prevailing fashion. All the better.
There's no such thing today as the fashion, but many fashions.The magazine may try to boss us around, but we're much freer than women live in twenty years ago.
Have you notice how radiant women are when they're manifestly comfortable with themselve and with the clothes they wear?
if you ask me what are the latest trends I like?
I answer, " I hate the idea of copying the latest trends ! "
"Because it is so casual and so-so (so many people who follow the latest styles), I dislike seeing a lot of women wearing something the same items at a given moment, a quick look boring, didn't show the characteristics of yourself and the latest trends not always fit your style."
In my book, "Singularity is probably preferable. In a time when luxury is a mass industry, the surest and greatest luxury is the one-off."
In my book, "Singularity is probably preferable. In a time when luxury is a mass industry, the surest and greatest luxury is the one-off."
Nowadays, this excuse has no credence whatsover. You can dress yourself quite beautifully for under Rp.1.500.000,- or 100 Euros or 100 Dollars or 73 Poundsterling or 1300 Yen, by shuffling beautiful basic with bargains or buy new old clothing ex-store display but no old fashioned of course with no reject too at fleamarket, such as a little piece from a major fashion house or a hip chain store and a few clevery selected accessories.
It isn't necessarily such a great idea to amass four trendy jackets at Rp.500.000,- or 35 Euros or 39 Dollars or 25 Pondsterling or 4000 Yen each ; sometimes it's better to dip into serious capital to procure a piece that will last for many years.
It isn't because you're rich that you know how to dress. You need curiosity and daring in the mix. Elegance may be an innate quality that has nothing at all to do with money, but the fact is, we can learn to dress stylishly and we can learn to avoid making certain mistakes.
Is that so? Do you think the image of yourself that you project to others is a superficial thing? It's a shame, because the people you meet are bound to take your measure according to the way you look."The house you live in is just as much the property of people who look at it, as it is yours."* The old Chinese proverb still hold true *
No......problem........ I'm here to explain it. hehe..
Ah yeah, if there's something on your mind that itchy and feel wanna ask me,
"What clothes help us to express ourselves?"
"What clothes help us to express ourselves?"
"I would rather go further. Clothes are the surest vehicle of self-expression available to us.To dress oneself isn't futile––it is an act of profound significance.I believe in a style thet expresses the innerself, that is neither a shell nor a disguise for it.To wear clothes is to be oneself, to dream oneself, to be aware of who one is.Dressing allows us to sublimate ourselves and to have fun doing so.I felt disgusted when I see articles, or films like Sex and The City, that relegate women to the status of idiots, thirilled by latest handbag or bargain sales in the shop.Even if there is a grain of truth here, it's worse than step in the wrong direction.We should understand women's vulnerability, not laugh at it, and help them to feel seductive and secure."
And this question too,
"How can we find the style that suits us?"
"How can we find the style that suits us?"
"First of all, know who you are. This is an introspective exercise an it involves brutal honesty vis-Ã -vis yourself. If you're looking for a disguise, you're running away from the truth. It's a path you have to take. It has nothing to do with money or information from the outside. You have to look at yourself, understand your body, work out which aspects of it need to be emphasized, find what goes best with your skintone and the color of your hair.
Who would you want to be?
What do you want to be?What do you wish to express?
Even though appearances can be deceptive, we judge other people more or less consciously by their clothes, their way moving, and their way of speaking."
And moreover like,
" What are basic quality items that a woman should spend substantial money on? "
"There's no hard-and-fast rule that applies to everybody. Everything depends on person you are.You have to find your own personal taste–and "personal" is the keyword here.You have to find your own vocabulary.I believe very strongly in quality. Jean-Louis Dumas, the president of Hermès, used to say that when you buy a beautiful and expensive object, you forget the price but you remember the quality.I would say yes to a beautiful pair of boots, or top-quality bags and coats....provided they suit you perfectly."
In conclusion, Should We Keep Up With Fashion? Well no and yes! ;)
Because it depends on what you are comfortable at while wearing your clothes. However, knowing about trends and anything about latest updated style is not a crime actually. Even it can increase your knowledge about fashion, about what you will wear later, and what is fine and perfect balanced mix-and-match clothes and accessories. It is important as an optional knowledge.
And why don't you take a walk downtown? You know what? Some beautiful accessories will never be found out in mall but downtown had it, even with lower prices. It's how we use our brain too, and a bit taking a little walk. ;)
Knowing yourself and Self confidence are the point here!
You have your own inner beauty, we all have! The outer? WE ALL HAD IT TOO! By matching up some clothes and accessories which are fit to you will make your Outer Beauty bursting out! People will happy seeing you with your own styles, means your own outer beauty!
So sorry.... for the delay and limitations to write.
For three months does not make any post because of uncertain business.. :'(
Next post I will make about fashion again~ :D
oh yeah, hmmm..... I have not be able to make posts about cosmetic and skincare review in the long term because all the image sources for the review matter have been saved in my lost cell phone at the end of June. Hiks..
Thank you for the loyal readers of my blog, sorry if there are errors of writing. and see you next time, Byeee~ :)
Warm Hug,
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